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8 of 10 stars


creator James Cameron

runtime 3 Hour 14 min

James Cameron

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And the iceberg hit the spot that the engine was on fire. Jesus thats really scary. They even put the people in the ship wow. Yeah Im too scared to even take a cruise. Also dont let me be the only one watching this in September of 2019. At the start when the guys go into the sea to see the ship and they see that BABYS head? I HOPE THATS A DOLL AND NOT A REAL LIFE HUMAN.

Titanic sinking was one of the worst tragedies ever. R.I.P. for 1500 people that lost lives that night... Titanikas film's. 107 years later. She still impresess us with her plates, preserved items and ghost passengers still reliving the Unsinkable ship.

“Not even God can sink Titanic” God : Hold my crown. I cam here of the giant reptile under the titanic. If the titanic rammed the iceberg instead instead of trying to turn it wouldn't have sunk. R.I.P. titanic! i miss you titanic.

I only went here cause of godzilla in the thumbnail :P

Great movie,It's hard to find a moment in the film that isn't great. Titanic lives up to the term masterpiece, Excellent graphics! An epic masterpiece! I've seen this movie 99s of times and never tire of it. With the centenary of the Titanic disaster, the new 3D version introduces the movie to a whole new generation. I am just reading comments who is with me? Like. I WON'T FORGET TO WRITE. Ahw, these Propelle starts and the Tripple expansion engine inside. Goosebumps. I really want a part 2 of Titanic ❤😭😭.

I have been fascinated by the story of the White Star Line's most luxurious liner that sank on her maiden voyage, ever since I first learned of it 20 years ago, and my Dad would always say "And they STILL don't know where she came to rest. Remember, it wasn't until 1985 when National Geographic found the wreck.
I have many books, articles, and video programs about the history of the RMS Titanic, it's people, and it's impact on the entire world following the tragedy.
When Cameron's "Titanic" debuted in the theater, all I heard was how great the love story was. I didn't think that any film that put fictional characters in a real setting, especially one as dramatic as the Titanic disaster could succeed. I was wrong.
"Titanic" is an excellent film in all respects. Both DiCaprio and Winslet have a realistic and charismatic chemistry with each other. Kathy Bates was born to play the role of Molly Brown, Billy Zane is wonderfully despicable as the intended husband for Winslet, and Bernard Hill lends a great deal of respect to his role as Captain John Smith.
But the real star is indeed, the ship itself. It is absolutely phenomenal how the filmmakers recreated the legendary ship for the film. The grand staircase with the carving of hope and glory crowning time, the staterooms, the ballroom, the smoking lounges, all replicated with incredible attention to detail.
The details surrounding the sinking were incredible as well. I believe this is the first motion picture to address the fact that the ship split in half as it sank, instead of going down whole. The entire sinking sequence is incredibly chilling and you will not be able to turn your eyes away from it.
If you are one of the few that have not yet seen Titanic, watch it soon, and see if it doesn't amaze and move you.
And by the way. if you find yourself in Orlando, FL, check out the Titanic exhibition. You won't be disappointed.

Lovely songs. In April of 2019 it will be 107 years since the titanic sunk. 03:34 Wait! Its filmed over 80 years of the accident, and after 80 years on underwater, this wood stills so good as that? Strange... People who built titanic: the ship is unsinkable Ice burg : hold my beer. ITS BEEN 100 YEARS 1912 SINCE THE TIANTIC SANK SO SAD. Dogs are cute Hearts are red violets are blue I came for the thumbnail so did you. Even if the Titanic could be recovered, people need to keep in mind that there disrespecting all of the souls that died in the ship, its like carving a grave. It would be best to leave it alone... People who designed the titanic: Not even god can sink it. God: wAnNA bEt.

Titanic: sinks James Cameron: I'm about to start this man's whole career

Titanikas piano. Watching This In 2020. The brittanic an Olympic class liner like titanic was launched on the same date as my birthday 😂 ( but it was just under a hundred years before.




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